Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Makey Makey Links

Have fun with your Makey Makey with these links.

Makey Makey Piano
Makey Makey Bongos
Scratch 3

Coding with Microbits

Links for Micro:bit Coding

  1. What is a micro:bit?
  2. Start coding here:
  3. Empty project with Maqueen extensions.  (click Edit when the project opens):
  4. Starter project with extensions and RGB ambience colours. (Click Edit when the project opens):
  5. Starter code for Fire Danger Part 2.

Want Your Own Micro:bit?

If you like experimenting with the Micro:bit, you may like to buy your own. They are not expensive. Here are links to 2 online stores that sell them and additional resources to use with them.
  1. Core ElectronicsLittle Bird Electronics.
  2. Leads with alligator clips.
  3. Projects to try with Micro:bits.
There are lots more Microbit project ideas to find. Just do a Google search.

Fire Danger Sign

 MVAC Year 6                 Starter project for Fire Danger Sign Part 2 .